Clear Trust Mortgages

Broker Feature: Paul Occhiuto

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By: Carissa Siy

Take any field, literally or figuratively, and the tools to success are the same:

Know your WHY. Clarify your GOALS. Set PRIORITIES. Carve GOOD HABITS. G O ! 

It takes focus, practice, perseverance and a sound set of values to navigate your way to achievement.

Paul Occhiuto was born with that drive. A current competitive soccer player since age 5, he is all too familiar with the rigours of high standards, consistent grit and an aversion to failure. He so naturally displays how whether it be the field of sport, business or life, the same ingredients apply. A successful player must remain fit, fluid and agile. He must keep his head up, eyes open and feet fast. He must be deliberate and considerate, a team player and a leader, and most of all: play fair.

Fed by his hunger for growth, grounded by witnessing his mother’s unwavering faith, and ushered to his dreams by exposure to his father’s entrepreneurship, Paul is passionate about the evolution and success of his Clear Trust team. He has a wealth of experience and offers this advice:

“If you are willing to work hard and be actively prospecting, you will be successful … your hard work is directly linked to your compensation. There truly is no better industry to be in.”

His pillars? Famiglia. Religion. Health. Friendships. He delights in music, travel and time with his daughters. Show us those bicycle kicks, Paul! Viva Azzurri! Viva Clear Trust!