Clear Trust Mortgages


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We hope this finds you all in good health.

As many of you are aware, COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has proliferated rapidly.  Your health and safety are our topmost priority, as is continuing business as normal.

However, as events continue to change rapidly, we will evaluate and implement practices to keep everyone safe. Kindly see below for best practices in addition to our last update,

Effective Immediately:

  1. Hand Washing: Upon arriving at head office, kindly make way to the kitchen on your immediate right to wash your hands a minimum of 20seconds using anti-bacterial soap. A detailed outline on how to wash your hands has been taped up for your convenience.
  2. Returning Brokers & Staff: Any staff returning from out-of-BC is requested to self-quarantine for 14 days, as per the federal government.
  3. Sick Brokers & Staff: We require you to stay at home if you have experienced any symptoms of COVID19.
  4. Disposable Utensils/Cups/Plates: We request that you all use disposable or personal utensils/cups/plates to reduce cross-contamination.  If you are using your own non-disposable items, kindly wash and put away immediately.
  5. Social Distancing: We ask that you practice ‘social distancing’, as per the federal government. We encourage you to work from home as much as possible in an effort to be considerate of your fellow CT family. We also recommend that you refrain from hugging, hand-shaking, and others of contact that may transmit COVID 19.
  6. Workshops/Training Sessions: All in-office workshops still held will be offered online instead of in-person, and will be available for post-workshop viewing through our Shared Drive.
  7. Regular Updates: We will do our utmost best to keep you updated on the situation within the building and head office.

Effective Tuesday, March 16th, 2020;

  1. Head Office – Restricted Entry: In consideration of everyone’s health and safety, Head Office is restricted to brokers & employees only.  Effective until updated.
  2. Broker Relations Team – Staff & Hours: We will have one member of staff available from 9am-5pm in-office for mail, parcels, and assistance. Our other staff will be working remotely. Effective until updated.

We will continue to monitor the situation and implement new practices as necessary. We are dedicated to providing continued support and functioning at normal capacity.

We will always take care of our Clear Trust family – so if there’s anything we can do, please let us know.  We understand that this time may be difficult and stressful, so please reach out!


Stay Healthy & Happy,

Your Broker Relations Team